
Western University

Critical Reading and Writing in Film Studies (Film 2230F)

This writing- and reading-intensive course prepares students to be better writers and readers while also asking students to reflect on the function of criticism itself. We will look at film criticism’s relationship to different institutions that have shaped the landscape of film criticism over time, including its emergence out of print journalism; its professionalization within the university post-World War II; and, more recently, its alleged democratization through Big Tech. This class examines the ways in which film criticism is shifting in the internet age, discussing platforms like YouTube and Spotify that prioritize audio-visual content, and rating platforms like Rotten Tomatoes that blur the lines between fan and critic; amateur and professional; hobby and vocation. Students will not only explore and gain proficiency in the different types of critical reading and writing for film, but ultimately consider the role of the critic throughout different eras of cinema.

Link to Syllabus